Tokyo Denki UniversitySchool of Science and Technology for Future LifeDepartment of Information Systems and Multimedia Design
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Top > Publications > Publications2013 > sujino-2013-01-international

Development of A Hip-Hop Dance Coaching System by Using Kinect


 In recent years, the motion capture system (MoCap) is used for motion analysis, such as sports and dances. However, in previous works, they are using conventional MoCap system. Because it requires a large space and the system operator, it is difficult to use it repeatedly.
 We developed a system for Hip-Hop dance by using simple MoCap. The system analyzes the user's motion, and instruct the dance. Because our system uses simple MoCap, user can use it repeatedly. In this paper, we report about our system.




Tag: Shota Sujino IWAIT

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