Tokyo Denki UniversitySchool of Science and Technology for Future LifeDepartment of Information Systems and Multimedia Design
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Top > Publications > Publications2018 > y-suzuki-2018-01-international

TITLE:A Corrosion and Deformation Simulation Method of 3D Iron Objects based on Voxel Automaton
*A Corrosion and Deformation Simulation Method of 3D Iron Objects based on Voxel Automaton [#y8a6fb1a]

CENTER:&size(16){''[[Yuta Suzuki>Members/YuutaSuzuki]],[[Yuta Yamabe>Members/YutaYamabe]],[[Tomoaki Moriya>Members/TomoakiMoriya]],[[Tokiichiro Takahashi>Members/TokiichiroTakahashi]]''};
CENTER:&size(16){''IWAIT 2018''};
//Yuta Suzuki, Yuta Yamabe, Tomoaki Moriya, Tokiichiro Takahashi

  We propose a visual appearance generation method of corrosion and deformation of 3D iron objects based on a voxel automaton, an extended 2D cellular automaton to 3D, that generates rusted 3D models. Our method enables to generate progress of rust, which often causes surface roughness on the iron object, and eventually opens a hole in the 3D iron objects due to corrosion.
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&tag(Yuuta Suzuki,IWAIT);
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