Tokyo Denki UniversitySchool of Science and Technology for Future LifeDepartment of Information Systems and Multimedia Design
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TITLE:Development of a Visual Flight Simulation Prototype for Paraglider Beginners
* Development of a Visual Flight Simulation Prototype for Paraglider Beginners [#w6643bdd]
CENTER:&size(16){''[[Nobuyuki Tokumasu>Members/NobuyukiTokumasu]], [[Tomoaki Moriya>Members/TomoakiMoriya]], [[Tokiichiro Takahashi>Members/TokiichiroTakahashi]]''};

 In recent years, paraglider has been established as a sport, and there are increasing demands for the experience. We have developed a flight simulator to practice paraglider for those with no or little experience.~
 An operation interface is one of the most important elements of a simulator. It has to be similar to the condition of an actual flight. In our system, the following two flight operations are provided to control the simulator. A flight of paraglider is controlled by pulling a brake code, and a weight shift of an operator physically. When an operator operates this paraglider simulator, a flight route is displayed on a screen. The flight route is shown by synthesizing GPS data with operation data.~
 The knowledge on how a paraglider flies through simulating the operation in advance of an actual flight will improve flight techniques of beginners. Further, they can have safe flight practices.

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&tag(Nobuyuki Tokumasu,IWAIT);
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