Tokyo Denki UniversitySchool of Science and Technology for Future LifeDepartment of Information Systems and Multimedia Design
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Top > Publications > Publications2012 > nakatsu-2012-01-international

TITLE:A Technique for Animating Impossible Twisted Torus Figures
* A Technique for Animating Impossible Twisted Torus Figures [#w6643bdd]
CENTER:&size(16){''[[Kana Nakatsu>Members/KanaNakatsu]], [[Misato Susaki>Members/MisatoSusaki]], [[Tokiichiro Takahashi>Members/TokiichiroTakahashi]]''};

 Impossible figure is a figure which looks realizable at first glance, but is not actually realizable as perceived by the human eyes. When an impossible figure is represented as a three dimensional object, we can only view it from a specific viewpoint. However, researches in recent years enable such impossible figure to be viewed from various angles by representing it with computer graphics. Optical illusion object is a three dimensional object made to be an impossible figure when viewed from a specific viewpoint. The viewpoint that realizes an optical illusion  object  is called as an illusion viewpoint. An optical illusion object is not perceived as an impossible figure when a viewpoint moves away from an illusion viewpoint. However, recent researches have expanded illusion viewpoints in some kinds of impossible figures. This paper proposes a method to realize a representation of the impossible figure,  which has not been dealt with in previous research, moved in a wide range of illusion viewpoints. 

** Images [#kfe5c065]

** Tags [#e3d44ed3]
&tag(Kana Nakatsu,IWAIT);
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