Tokyo Denki UniversitySchool of Science and Technology for Future LifeDepartment of Information Systems and Multimedia Design
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TITLE:A Facade Image Composition Method for Urban Landscape Restoration
* A Facade Image Composition Method for Urban Landscape Restoration [#p1e6eb5a]
CENTER:&size(16){''[[Asami Kishi>Members/AsamiKishi]], [[Naoki Nakatsugawa>Members/NaokiNakatsugawa]], [[Tomoaki Moriya>Members/TomoakiMoriya]], [[Tokiichiro Takahashi>Members/TokiichiroTakahashi]]''};

 We have developed an image composition method of building facade images from actual photographs and video clips in order to restore urban landscapes by using 3D computer graphics. Higher part of the facade image (i.e. a part of the facade image corresponding to floors from the 3rd floor to the rooftop) of each building is composed by a photograph taken from the opposite side of the streets. However, there are various kinds of still occluders in facade images of buildings such as roadside trees and street signs. Lower part of the facade image (i.e. a part of the facade image of the 1st and/or 2nd floors) of each building is composed by video clips taken by a stationary video camera in front of the building, in which many moving occluders are taken such as pedestrians and bicycles. These occluders have to be removed from photographs and video clips efficiently.

** Images [#kfe5c065]

** Tags [#e3d44ed3]
&tag(Asami Kishi,IWAIT,Cyberscape,Landscape,東京,Building,Texture);
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