Tokyo Denki UniversitySchool of Science and Technology for Future LifeDepartment of Information Systems and Multimedia Design
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Top > Publications > Publications2010 > sunagawa-2010-03-international

TITLE:Modeling techniques of wooden buildings for cyberscapes of Edo
* Modeling techniques of wooden buildings for cyberscapes of Edo[#lb39d36a]
CENTER:&size(16){''[[Souichiro Sunagawa>Members/SoichiroSunagawa]], [[Shunya Kimura>Members/ShunyaKimura]], [[Akio Sakuma>Members/AkioSakuma]], [[Tomoaki Benua Yasu>Members/TomoakiBenuaYasu]], [[Dai Katsumura>Members/DaiKatsumura]], [[Tomohiro Tanimura>Members/TomohiroTanimura]], [[Kaori Aoki>Members/KaoriAoki]], [[Satoru Takahashi>Members/SatoruTakahashi]], [[Tatsunori Yasuda>Members/TatsunoriYasuda]], [[Tomoaki Moriya>Members/TomoakiMoriya]], [[Tokiichiro Takahashi>Members/TokiichiroTakahashi]]''};

 In order to restore city landscapes of Edo with three dimensional computer graphics technologies, we propose several techniques to model large and complicated wooden buildings efficiently.We have developed a simple language, HSDL, which is powerful to describe wooden buildings. We have also developed “sKet” system that models buildings interactively even if they are complicated or multi-storied. In addition, by using kD-roofing method, “sKet” can roof automatically only from a floor plan of the building. Image filtering techniques are introduced to model weathering of houses.By combining above modeling techniques, we have successfully restored city landscapes of Edo in the later Edo era.

** Images [#l86e93d0]

** Tags [#cc6a8aca]
&tag(Soichiro Sunagawa,IEVC,Cyberscape,江戸);
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