Tokyo Denki UniversitySchool of Science and Technology for Future LifeDepartment of Information Systems and Multimedia Design
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TITLE:PETICA: An Interactive Painting Tool with 3D Geometrical Brushes
* PETICA: An Interactive Painting Tool with 3D Geometrical Brushes[#a8390c22]
CENTER:&size(16){''[[Kazuki Kumagai>Members/KazukiKumagai]], [[Tomoaki Moriya>Members/TomoakiMoriya]], [[Tokiichiro Takahashi>Members/TokiichiroTakahashi]]''};
CENTER:&size(16){''SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 (2010).''};

 In painting pictures, painters sometimes use tools such as chopsticks and clothes, which are not as familiar as brush and pencil, solely or in combination with other tools. This paper presents on a painting tool, PETICA, which we developed to achieve our aim to reproduce strokes represented by aforementioned various tools.Table 1 shows the comparison results of brush functions of conventional painting tool software and PETICA. Each function is ranked with A, B, and C in order of superiority. “Dimension” shows spatial dimension that defines brush shape. Definitions of higher ranks are as follows: “Shape variety” - more number of varieties of brush shape, “Easy creation” - less number of parameters to create brush and “Input reflection” - more number of input information with the same dimension of brush. “Behavior of brushes” shows simulation level of behavior of brushes, where Physical behavior simulation is ranked higher than behavior simulation based on 3D or 2D geometrical of brushes.As shown in Table 1, conventional painting tool software cannot support painting expressions using combination of various tools for the following reasons. For example, a brush with 2D texture is not capable of reflecting detailed input information sensed by a graphics tablet and a gyro-stylus. Thus, users cannot operate brushes like actual painting tools. In 3D shape brush, users can use only preset brushes, for examples, typical viscous paint brushes and Chinese paint brushes. However, it is capable of reflecting detailed input information to simulate essential physical behavior of actual.

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