Tokyo Denki UniversitySchool of Science and Technology for Future LifeDepartment of Information Systems and Multimedia Design
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Top > Publications > Publications2010 > kimura-2010-03-international

TITLE:An auto-layout method of houses for cyberscapes of 'Edo'
* An auto-layout method of houses for cyberscapes of 'Edo'[#j7f0e369]
CENTER:&size(16){''[[Shunya Kimura>Members/ShunyaKimura]], [[Souichiro Sunagawa>Members/SoichiroSunagawa]], [[Akio Sakuma>Members/AkioSakuma]], [[Tomoaki Benua Yasu>Members/TomoakiBenuaYasu]], [[Tomoaki Moriya>Members/TomoakiMoriya]], [[Tokiichiro Takahashi>Members/TokiichiroTakahashi]]''};

 We propose two algorithms in order to restore cyberscape of Edo as historically faithful as possible. First, we propose an algorithm to sub-divide each block into several pieces of land. We also propose another algorithm to layout a few houses of tradesmen in front of a main road, and several apartment houses in the backyards, each of which is with a number of residences connected under a single ridge-pole.By applying the proposed two algorithms to an actual old Edo map of administrative divisions, we verified that our proposed two algorithms generated and laid out several thousands of houses in common people’s districts (about a 2.4 Km square). We also develop an in-house rendering system that makes it possible to walk though the restored Edo in real time.

** Images [#k98cb32a]

** Tags [#ta78bb43]
&tag(Shunya Kimura,IEVC,Cyberscape,江戸);
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