Tokyo Denki UniversitySchool of Science and Technology for Future LifeDepartment of Information Systems and Multimedia Design
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Top > Publications > Publications2008 > simakage-2008-10-2-international

TITLE:A Generation Method of Watercolor Images Combining Short and Long Stroke Drawings
* A Generation Method of Watercolor Images Combining Short and Long Stroke Drawings [#v9299803]
CENTER:&size(16){''[[Yoshinori Shimakage>Members/YoshinoriShimakage]], [[Junichi Sugita>Members/JunichiSugita]], [[Tokiichiro Takahashi>Members/TokiichiroTakahashi]]''};
CENTER:&size(16){''Proc. of ASIAGRAPH 2008 in Tokyo, Vol.2, No.2,pp.58-63 (October 2008).''};

 We have developed an automatic generation method of watercolor-like images from input photographs. An input image is sampled by employing the hierarchical Poisson disk sampling distribution which allows spatial uniform sampling. Each sampled disk is connected to a neighbouring disk whose radius and color are quite similar to the disk. Textures imitated stroke brushes are distributed to appropriate positions, and are laid out along the line connecting the two disks for emphasizing features of stroke drawings. Finally, isolated disks are filled with the original input image to express the details of the input images. Several experimental results verified that the proposed method can efficiently generate various kinds of watercolor-like images combining pointillism (short stroke drawings) and long stroke drawings.

** Images [#p63f63f1]

** Tags [#s7f71ed5]
&tag(Yoshinori Shimakage,ASIAGRAPH,Watercolor,NPR);
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