Tokyo Denki UniversitySchool of Science and Technology for Future LifeDepartment of Information Systems and Multimedia Design
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* ContacTable:シルエットパズル遊びを分かち合うシステム [#y70c2009]
CENTER:&size(16){''[[師井聡子>Members/SatokoMoroi]], [[高木聡>Members/SatoshiTakagi]], [[稲原健吉>Members/KenkichiInahara]], [[小瀬聡子>Members/SatokoKose]], [[高橋時市郎>Members/TokiichiroTakahashi]]''};
CENTER:&size(16){''日本バーチャルリアリティ学会 第13回大会,1A5-2(2008).''};

 ContacTable offers the environment for everyone to share the relaxing time and the enjoyment for a silhouette puzzle and everybody can participate to it with no special rules because this system has only simple user-interfaces: "real" puzzlepieces and miniature ladder, and projected interactive animation. Interaction of real piece, a ladder and projected animation will attract people to the table as if it's a "close up magic", and invite to participate in the puzzle. Instead of having ways to communicate with the absentee with computers, we lack of chance to share the atmosphere with the real neighbor. The goal of this new environment is to offer the happiness of direct and natural communication in the real world.

** Images [#iaeb04f1]

** Tags [#m42ca102]
&tag(Satoko Moroi,日本バーチャルリアリティ学会,Interaction,Art);
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